Lisburne Road London NW3

- Single storey extension
- Kitchen refit
- Remodelling
- upgrading exterior
- Ground works
- Roofing & re-roofing
- Installing windows, doors & conservatories
The existing building Properties on Lisburne Road fall within sub area 2 of the Mansfield Conservation Area. The area was developed during the second half of the 19th century. The prevailing character is residential with three storey terraced houses. Buildings are flat fronted with projected bay windows, recessed entrance doors, visible pitched roofs, prominent chimney stacks and party walls and original two or three storey part width rear extensions.
Properties on the west side of Lisburne Road are of classical / Venetian gothic style, while those on the east side are of Queen Anne revival style. There are no gaps between buildings. This property is a three storey terraced house that lies on the west side of Lisburne Road. It is constructed from yellow London stock bricks, with red facing bricks to dressings – the arches above windows, a bay window at ground floor and an intricately decorated dormer window. At the rear we find the original offshoot in yellow London stock bricks and red facing red brick arches and corbelled eaves.
The aim of this proposal was to enlarge the building at ground floor in order to create a more usable family home, re-oriented to relate better to the rear garden area. The best features of the original house were preserved and contrasted with a contemporary treatment to the new elements. There was no change in the appearance from the street.
The main alterations are at the back of the building, where a full width rear and side return single storeyed extension was built. The new extension projects three metres further out into the garden than the original offshoot and the enlarged open plan ground floor space accommodates the kitchen, dining and living activities. The side yard was only partially infilled, which created a small courtyard by the rear façade of the host building, bringing light and ventilation to deeper areas of the plan.
This little courtyard is a key feature of the proposal. It is surrounded by floor to ceiling glazed fixed and opening panels, all of timber frame construction. A wooden fence materializes the boundary with the neighbour. The new side return extension incorporates a glazed sloping roof. This treatment allows additional natural light to reach further into the living space. Floor to ceiling sliding doors makes the garden an integrated element of the home, highly visible all year round, and an extension of the living space in the warmer months.
New external walls were faced with yellow reclaimed London stock bricks to match the original appearance of the building, to harmonise with the host building and not detract from the character of the Conservation area.